The tooth removal is a minor surgical procedure. While the great majority of extractions can be safely and painlessly carried out in the dental office, some patients require hospitalization because of some medical problem.
With the advent of modern restorative techniques, a majority of teeth which were earlier advised for extractions, can now be easily saved. However, in certain situations extractions are the only solution,
- teeth that are decayed beyond restoration
- in cases where the excessive bone support of the tooth is destroyed.
- extra tooth
- retained milk tooth
- fractured tooth
- malposed tooth which cannot be aligned by orthodontic treatment.
- impacted and unerupted tooth
- extraction of premolars for orthodontic treatment (Braces)
Impacted Wisdom tooth
Wisdom teeth usually emerge from the gum (erupt) between the ages of 17 and 24. They are the last of the molar teeth. Some people never develop wisdom teeth, others have four – one in each corner of the mouth. Wisdom teeth often cause no problems. They are described as impacted when there is not enough space for them to erupt in the mouth.
In such a case it might erupt towards the cheek or it might impinge on the adjacent molar. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, swelling, infection or damage to the teeth next to them. If the gum around the wisdom tooth is swollen the jaw may become stiff and sore. Infection at the back of the mouth can cause bad breath and a bad taste. The surgical removal (extraction) of one or more wisdom teeth can relieve these problems. People who have impacted wisdom teeth that are not causing problems do not need to have them removed.